
Final Fantasy XV The Dawn of the Future

I’ve had this preordered for a long time and I’m so excited to read this. I’m still sad that we never got Noctis’s and Lunafreya’s episodes (from looking at the concept art in this I’m extra sad as they looked amazing) but at least I can still read this!


A volume of all-new, character-driven stories expanding on the world of the hit video game Final Fantasy XV. This deluxe, hardcover edition includes full-color inserts featuring concept art and exclusive content.

To oppose the gods or yield to fate?

That is the question confronting each of the characters in The Dawn of the Future. Ardyn, having saved countless lives from the Starscourge, means to become the Founder King of Lucis and instead is cast into tragic exile. On the day the Empire falls, as the imperial capital collapses around them, Commodore Aranea is entrusted with the life of a singular young girl. The Oracle Lunafreya, upon awakening from the slumber of death, discovers that her body has undergone an extraordinary transformation. And after gazing upon the eternal, Noctis, the True King, finally comes to terms with his destiny. Herein lie the stories of the dawning of a new world in Final Fantasy XV.


Kickstarter Part 4

Yes we even have a part 4! I’m rather in love with kickstarter! Not only can I get cute things but it allows me to support artists a lot more.

Everything will definitely be alright! With this special phrase and pin, you will be invincible. Nothing can keep you down!

Tris S


I actually came across this as one of the people I was following backed it on kickstarter. And as a huge fan of CCS I for sure needed these in my life! I actually backed this for all 4 as I couldn’t pick! Though the wings are my favourite!

For sure going to write up a post about my collection so far! It’ll be posted pretty soon! I’m hoping to put together a cute pin board for them to store them! I’m also planning on making a CCS ita bag using these pins and I’m hoping to add more CCS things in my life!


These are limited edition inspired Sailor Senshi pins! These cuties can all be yours if you pledge today! ♡

The next was another kickstarter I found from someone I was following! I ended up going for 11 out of the 12 offered as there was an early bird deal on them! When I went back to check this kickstarter to back it I noticed she even included a free Tuxedo Mask pin for orders over £35! So I’ll be getting 12 in total! Prepare to see these all over my instagram feed with my Sailor Moon stuff. I am so excited!

(Update: She also included the cat pin too which made me so happy!)

Here are the ones I picked:

  • Sailor Moon
  • Sailor Chibi Moon
  • Sailor Mercury
  • Sailor Mars
  • Sailor Jupiter
  • Sailor Venus
  • Dark Lady
  • Sailor Pluto
  • Sailor Uranas
  • Sailor Neptune
  • Sailor Saturn

It was delayed due to one of the pins.

I’m so in love with them! They are stunning! She even added in the cat pin as a freebie which was so lovely!

And here they are on my pin board!


TeaNoSugar Kickstarter and Mini Order

I decided to do this one separately as she gave out a free shipping code and I couldn’t resist picking up a couple of things from her etsy!



I could not resist backing these gaming pins!

I kept myself to just four though I was tempted by the FF7 ones! I decided to pick the following:

  • Noctis (FFXV)
  • Prompto (FFXV)
  • Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
  • Yuna (FFX)

Noctis and Prompto are both from the game Final Fantasy XV. I’ve been recently playing it and it’s one of my favourite games! I loved the characters a lot and so of course I had to get these pins! Their friendship is so cute!

I adore Kingdom Hearts and so had to get Sora’s pin. I am so hyped for Kingdom Hearts 3! I’m still hoping it comes out soon! Like maybe this year or next year. I feel like it’s been so long since the second one. I’m currently playing Kingdom Hearts 2. I bought the remastered version so I could replay them before the 3rd one came out.

Yuna is from Final Fantasy X (and X-2) and I really loved her character! I loved both of those games too.


Then I also decided to use the free shipping code to pick up a couple of things from her etsy store!


I got these super cute Cardcaptor Sakura stickers along with Sailor Moon pins! I couldn’t resist and saved over 8 euro in shipping!

Then I recently had another look and noticed she also sold super cute star backings for pins! I lost one of my pin backings while in Dublin and since I do want to wear them more often it may happen again so I decided to buy them!

I also picked up some Sailor Moon stickers and the Sailor V pin that matches the above Sailor Moon and Luna design.

She even sent my extra stickers of the My Hero Academia characters from her next KS which I’ve also backed!