
Book-Tube-a-Thon 2017/Biannual Bibliothon



I’m really excited to be taking part in another year of Book-tube-a-thon. They just announced the challenges so it’s time to come up with another TBR! I’ve also done a very small haul from the book depository which will feature in my tbr! And I’ll also be taking part in the Biannual Bibliothon too which also has some challenges! That starts a day before Book-Tube-a-Thon!

First up are the challenges!

  1. Read a book with a person on the cover (Honey so Sweet vol 1 and 2)
  2. Read a hyped book (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
  3. Finish a book in one day (Honey so sweet)
  4. Read about a character very different from you (Night Circus)
  5. Finish a book completely outdoors (A Court of Thorns and Roses)
  6. Read a book you bought because of the cover (In Real Life)
  7. Read 7 books

You can merge up to two challenges but no more than that. My goal is to read at least 7 books but I’m including more than that in my tbr to give me some more options. There are some of these books that are new and some that have been sitting on my tbr for way too long! I’m going to start with books that I know I will 100 per cent read and then add some at the end that I’d like to get to if I have the time.

One of the first books that I’ve picked for this can work for more than one challenge and I’m using it for the first one. It’s also part of my mini haul! It’s the first two volumes of Honey so Sweet. I fell in love with the cover and as a person who’s very into cute manga with cute female characters I had to get it. I picked up the first two volumes as I tend to get through manga really quickly.  I’m really looking forward to seeing what this series is like and it’ll count towards my manga reading challenge for this year.

One book that I’m really looking forward to reading is The Court of Thorns and Roses (I’ll also be reading the two other books in the series!). I’ve had this book on my tbr for ages and I kept putting it off waiting for the others to come out. It’s a bad habit! But now that I have the first three books (which I’ve heard work together as a trilogy) I’ve decided to finally just do it and read them!

I also finally bought the graphic novel In Real Life and used the Book-Tube-a-Thon discount on this! The art is super cute and it’s been on my tbr for so long!

Two of the books on this list are anthologies, and contain a mix of written stories and comics. The Secret Loves of Geek Girls and So Pretty/Very Rotten are these books.

The Secret Loves of Geek Girls is a mix of stories (prose, comics and illustrated stories) written by women who love geek culture. They are all true stories and reflect the lives and loves of the women who wrote them. It was released on Kickstarter and then published by Dark Horse Comics later.

So Pretty/Very Rotten is a book of prose and comics written by and about Lolita Fashion from Japan. A friend of mine bought this herself and when I saw her mention it in a group chat I had to get it! One of the authors in this wrote one of my favourite books that also starred a Lolita (Kamikaze Girls). I’m really excited to delve into this!

I’ve included Princess Jellyfish as it’s the newest volume and a series that I love! I’ve also just found out that it will be finishing up in Japanese this year so I’m excited to hopefully get the finished collection once it’s translated and published in English!

Night Circus is another book that has been sitting on my tbr pile for way too long so I decided to finally pick it up and it fills the character that is different from you challenge. I was unsure about this challenge but really since their is magic involved she is quite different from me!

Jenny Colgan writes the cutest romance books! I loved her Cupcake Cafe series and I’m excited to give this one a try!

And finally (for now) I have the first two volumes of The Girl from the Other Side, a manga with influences from my own culture( I’m Irish) and from our myths. I’m really excited about these as I love manga and seeing my own culture reflected in that is really cool!

There are a couple of challenges that I’ll also be taking part in for Biannual Bibliothon !

They have a book for the first challenge picked so I wasn’t able to do that one but here are the rest of the challenges!


2. Read a fave genre of one of the hosts

3. Book to movie adaptation (read and watch)

I decided to pick Wolf Children for this as I have both the book and the movie on dvd!

4. Read a book you’ve heard about through the book community

I’m using one of my books from above for this! A Court of Thorns and Roses. I saw this a lot on booktube and in the book community in general so I’m excited to finally get to it. I’ve read and loved Throne of Glass.

5. Throwback (An older challenge from a previous year)

I decided to go with a challenge from Summer of last year which was read a book that you’ve been putting off reading. Which I’ll be using Night Circus for! It’s been on my tbr for too long now!

The last two challenges I’m unsure about so will have to come back to later on in the week! I’m considering rereading Harry Potter or Eleanor and Park or even Animal Farm but I’ll see! I also haven’t got many LGBTQA+ books which is insane! I’ve read them all so any new recommendations please send them my way!

6. Been/Still banned



And that’s it for now! I will be merging with the other readathon too! I’ll be posting my updates on my social media sites (Instagram and twitter) so keep an eye out there!

Is there anyone else taking part in either or both readathons this week? I’d love to know what you plan on reading!