books · comics

Catch Up on Series Book Haul!

I’ve been behind in many of the series that I collect but one of them that really stands out to me is The Walking Dead. I adore the comic but I just haven’t had the chance to get new volumes. It’s very easy to fall behind in comics and manga. They all seem to come out all at once! I’m hoping to catch up on some titles with a couple of new hauls this year.


I came across these recently on sale and I had to get them! These are volumes 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26. I actually went ahead and ordered the missing volumes (21 and 27) online. This means that I am officially up to date with The Walking Dead in terms of trades once they come in the mail! I’m so excited to catch up. The free issue I got too is the next one after volume 27! I love this comic a lot and I actually much prefer it over the tv show. I just find the show a bit too slow moving and at times boring.


This Outlast issue actually came free with volume 25 of The Walking Dead. I’m intrigued to see what it’s like!


I love Harley and her comics. I’m currently collecting the New 52 volumes and this is gap in one of them, a story including Power Girl. I’m hoping to finish collecting the new 52 volumes as I do want to get the Rebirth volumes one day.


One of my goals for 2017 is to add to my comic collection, more so my DC collection. I love Batman and I want to read even more of his stuff so I’ve been picking up the odd title when I find them! Overall for my DC collection I want to catch up on the new 52 titles and I only have volume 1 of Batman. Now that rebirth is out the new 52 comics are complete and I loved volume 1. Fingers crossed I’ll have completed at least Batman’s run by the end of the year!


This is the only book in this haul and I’m hoping to finally start this series this summer! This is the third book in the Red Queen series and I’ve heard good things about it. There is a 4th book out next year which I’m hoping is the last one. Is it just me or are books getting longer? I have so many series that are ending up being like 6 books long and sometimes I get bored waiting for the next book. I get into a bad habit of getting the new books and waiting for the next one to read them leaving me with unread piles of almost or even worse finished series that I’m still putting off as they took too long to get!

I’m really looking forward to my next book haul! I did a small order online. I got my missing Walking Dead comics, some series that I needed to update (Blue Exorcist 16, Kimi ni Todoke 26 and Saga 6) along with a new title I wanted to try Lady Killer!

Giant Days 4 seems to be having issues with their publishers so I’m hoping to get that with my next order!

Any recent purchases? I’d love to hear about them!

books · comics

Mini Book Haul!

I needed to buy a book for uni (I’ll have to order two more again soon!) so I gave myself an excuse to buy some books for me at the same time!

One of the classes I’m taking for this semester is Colonial/Post Colonial literature in English. One of the books I’m reading is by Ta Nehisi Coates, Between the World and Me. It refers to the Black Lives Matter movement in America. I’m really excited to read this. I’m hoping to start it soon as I have my class on it next week!


The two books I bought for fun are a comic and a volume of manga!

Batman Hush is a comic that I’ve been meaning to read for ages! It’s one that I’ve noticed appear on many lists when referring to what Batman comics you should read. I really loved it! There are a number of villains that appear throughout but it never feels like too much! I’m hoping to expand my DC collection this year!

The manga that I bought is the newest volume of Food Wars. Food Wars is one of my favourite series at the moment. It’s so good and the story-line keeps on getting better and better! I’m really hyped for the next volume which is out in April. I do wish they didn’t take so long coming out in English! They have 22 volumes out in Japan!

I have more I need to get for my Colonial class and I’m hoping to get more comics. The newest volume of Giant Days is coming out and I’m super excited for it!



beauty · make up

Beautylish haul: Jeffree Star Cosmetics

So I gave in and I finally bought some of Jeffree’s makeup that I’ve been wanting to try for so long. It was Valentine’s Day this week so #treatyoself

Not that I need a holiday to give me an excuse to do so!

Okay on to the haul!

I bought these through the Beautylish website. I found it easy to use and it shipped and arrived quite quickly. The shipping for my items was free and by paying upfront for custom fees it meant I didn’t have to fork a fortune out at my door.



I bought two of the liquid lipsticks, in the shades Rose Matter and Doll Parts along with one of the skin frosts in the shade Princess Cut.

I’ve been wanting to get Doll Parts for a long time and when I finally found it I had to buy it!

Everything arrived well packaged! They even added extra padding around the skin frost to keep it from breaking.


I adore both shades. I love pink lips so I had to get his pink shades. Doll Parts is more pink than Rose Matter and more cool toned. I can’t wait to wear these!

The packaging is just so cute! I really love brands that put effort into how their product looks, like Sugarpill and Lime Crime, it seems like the indie brands online put more care into how their makeup looks at the end of the day.


The light pink highlighter is Princess Cut. I really love it. It’s subtle but something different. I was heavily tempted by Regina George! It’s a bright pink highlighter!

The mirror on the skin frost is fantastic too. It will definitively be handy to pop in my bag. It’s a large pan size too.

I’ve only swatched all of them on my arm so far but I’m hoping to wear them out soon!

Is there anything from his line that you really like whether you’ve tried it or want to try it?


I’d also love to hear what indie brands you like! My favourites are definitely Sugarpill and Lime Crime.

beauty · make up

Boots Skincare Haul! New Year and New Skin!

So I’ve decided to kick myself into getting into a proper skincare routine and I’ve recently went online and to Boots in person and bought some new skincare! I’m also hoping to start drinking more water as really that’s half the battle with helping your skin!

On to the haul!


With the weather still being quite cold in Ireland I really needed a new moisturiser! I picked up this one as it was on offer and I have used it before. Since I have combination skin I like to have a light moisturiser to avoid getting too oily. This is a great one to have on hand as it sinks in to the skin quickly. I like using these as a form of primer too.


This stuff is great! I think this is my 3rd bottle! I love using it to take off my make-up but it works well as a general cleanser too. It’s very gentle on my skin but gets the job done too.


One of my favourite moisturisers has to be this pink grapefruit one. I managed to get both of these from Boots as they have a really good offer at 2 for €6.50! Which is amazing as they both are roughly 6 something each anyway! I do find Neutrogena have great skincare though for me it’s on the pricey side so getting it on offer is a must!


I’ve been a huge fan of the face masks from these range (you’ll see them towards the bottom of this haul!) so when I found matching scrubs to go with them I had to try at least one. My skin is very dull so I’m upping my water intake to help it but this is the matching scrub to go with the mask that brightens so fingers crossed!


Another product that I had been wanting to try for a while but I wanted to wait until it went on offer. A phrase that you’ll hear from me quite a lot. This was on sale in Boots so I picked up one to try.


Okay so I did not need to buy more Babylips but it has been a while since I last bought one and these were Valentine editions so I couldn’t help myself! Aren’t they so cute? Keeping my lips hydrated is a must when it’s cold outside. My lips get super dry so anything to stop them from cracking is great. Them being cute is just a plus!



And finally the masks! I’ve tried two of these, the bottom two, so far and I’m in love! They are great on my skin and I can already tell the difference. I’m looking forward to using these more and trying the top one soon!

I love masks! I think having a nice relaxing bath with music on and a face mask is the perfect way to help de-stress. We should all try to take a moment for ourselves once in a while and it doesn’t matter how you do it. I like using bath bombs from Lush, put something on my phone to watch and throw on a face mask. I get stressed out very easily and it’s something I can’t control. It makes me physically ill so taking a moment to relax is much needed for me!


Ok so that’s my very much needed skin care haul!

Have you tried any of the products above?

I’m hoping to get better at looking after my skin and health this 2017 and I wish you luck for the year!

I can’t believe that one month has already passed!


It’s #ncbd!

So it’s finally New Comic Book Day! Since I changed my pull from weekly to monthly it has been a while since I last did a haul!

I’m super excited for these so let’s get started!

So first on the list isn’t even a comic! I’ve fallen in love with the DC Superhero Girls line. They recently released new books to go along with it and being as obsessed with Batgirl as I am I knew that I had to have at least her book! I’m looking forward to reading this and having it as part of my growing Batgirl collection.

And of course the first comic here that I show is Batgirl. I have issues 6 and 7 above. I managed to get both covers for issue 6 as I fell in love with both! One of the main reasons I collect single issues is down to cover art. I’m addicted to good cover art!

Jem and the holograms has been a series that I’ve been head over heels in love with but sadly I’m not a fan of it at the moment. Art for me can make or break a comic and right now I’m not feeling the art. I’m hoping to catch up on the last few issues and see if I can look past it as the story is supposed to still be good. I’ve heard that the artist will be changing with the next issue so fingers crossed! These are issues 22 and 23.

This pull is full of Jem this month and this is the newest annual that’s come out. I’m only still new to comics and it was Jem and Batgirl that introduced to me to annuals. I loved the previous ones and this one looks quite good too.

Now while Jem has been letting me down in the art department this series has been making up for it! The Misfits first issue was very good and I’m so excited to see where it’ll take the story in this issue. It seems to be focused on Stormer and I love her! It’s so refreshing to see different body shapes in a comic and she always looks great!

Batgirl and the birds of prey for me is the best part of DC rebirth. I really need to catch up on it this weekend. It’s so good!

While I was sad to see the dream team leave Batgirl I was so hyped to see them get back together and work on their own series. Motor Crush is fantastic and this issue was just as good as the first. I’m so excited to see where the story will lead. I’m in love with the characters but especially Lola!

Snotgirl is an unusual comic but the art is great and the story is too. I’ve got to catch up with it before I say more!

Goldie Vance was a series that was recommended to me by the comic store that I have my pull in. And I’m so happy I listened and got it. This is issue 9 and while again I have to catch up I’m in love with it. Good art and good plot!

Paper Girls was a series that caught my interest when I got my subscription email from the big bang and I haven’t looked back since. It’s such an interesting plot, different from other things I’ve read before. It’s a definite recommendation from me!

And finally last but certainly not least the two free issues that I got!

The Walking Dead released a new issue and they made it free! I was lucky and my comic book shop sent it to me with my pull. I love the comic series and I have quite a few of the trades so far.I actually much prefer the comic book over the tv show. I can never watch much of the show without turning it off so I wasn’t sure if I would like the comic but I’m in love with it. I’ve gotten a bit behind in collecting it as I don’t work in a book shop that stocked it anymore. I really need to get some new volumes!

And I’m looking forward to going through this essential’s guide from DC a bit more. I’m hoping to build up my DC collection this year. There are a few that I really want to get like Hush and I also want to try some of the Rebirth volumes that are out and coming out.

So what did you pick up recently for NCBD? I’d love to hear if you got anything from above.

I’d also love to know if you have any graphic novel recommendations from DC? Any comic that you think is a must have?