beauty · make up · toys

Mini Haul plus catch up

I’ve just recently moved up to Belfast to study English in Queen’s University for my Erasmus!

I’ve been so busy the last week settling in and getting out a lot more than usual. Though today is a mix of taking a breather and starting to get ready for my first week of classes. I’m taking 3 modules here: Televising the Victorians, Writing New York and Creative Writing. I’m really excited and nervous about getting into these classes. I already have emails from two of my classes informing me of what I need to have read before next week. Just waiting on that last one! I do really like it up here even if it’s a bit more different than I expected. It’s definitely more English than I thought it might be. So even when it looks like Ireland it really isn’t! I might write a whole post dedicated to my move up here soon!

On to what I’ve managed to pick up since I’ve been here!

I’ve been really interested in this mascara since it first came out. So the minute I heard that they were releasing a brown one I had to have it. Most make-up brands that I’ve come across don’t release brown mascaras but black brown ones. I picked this up while Debenhams were having their 10 per cent off sale. I’m in love!

I also stopped by Topshop and decided to pick up this lipstick. I’m a huge fan of their make up range. It’s very good! I’m also a sucker for pink lips.


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